Analysis of outpatient administration of methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis treatment
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Online publication date: 2009-10-19
Reumatologia 2009;47(4):202-206
A group of 96 persons with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who received methotrexate at a mean dose of 15 mg per week during their first hospitalization were sent questionnaires with the aim of assessing their GP’s attitude towards management of RA. Forty-eight replies were obtained. The results were: 44 patients continued treatment, 4 discontinued therapy for various reasons. No serious adverse effects were observed. Although most of the patients exhibited signs of heightened disease activity, the dosage was not modified in half of the group studied, 13 patients had the dosage reduced to the dosage level which is regarded as ineffective, only 2 had the dosage increased. None of the patients was administered the recommended methotrexate dose of 25 mg per week. Ineffectiveness of small doses of methotrexate resulted in prolonged treatment with corticosteroids. To summarize, the authors emphasize the need for the promotion of methotrexate treatment standards among physicians and their patients.
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