Is connective tissue the fourth system regulating the body’s energy homeostasis?
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Online publication date: 2012-06-27
Reumatologia 2012;50(3):189-194
Homeostasis depends on a propagation of information, that synchronize functions of different tissues. We propose the connective tissue as a forth part of information exchange and transferring system that affect physiological and pathophysiological functions. Moreover, the activity of connective tissue by acupuncture is possible by acting on meridian channel in connective tissue causes cytoskeletal remodeling, leading to regulation of gene expression and the subsequent production of related proteins. These meridian channels provide efficient migratory tracks for gasotransmitters. What currently is known as a modulation of connective tissue activity with gasotransmitters migration, was called as a modulation of Qi energy by Chinese hundreds years ago. Once again western medicine reveals knowledge that has been known in an eastern medicine ages before.
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