Productivity loss as a result of rheumatic diseases – absenteeism and presenteeism
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Submission date: 2013-08-08
Final revision date: 2013-10-02
Acceptance date: 2013-10-08
Online publication date: 2013-10-31
Publication date: 2013-10-30
Reumatologia 2013;51(5):355-362
Rheumatic diseases affect not only patient’s health, but also their life and work. The study results show that these conditions not only increase absenteeism (being absent from work), but also presenteeism (being present at work but working at reduced capacity) which result in an overall productivity loss. Between 32% to 50% of patients with RA cease their work after 10 years from the first symptoms of the disease. It is estimated that presenteeism and absenteeism caused by RA generates a loss of 3.2 and 0.2 absenteeism day for every 20 days, respectively.
Studies on productivity loss are based mainly on questionnaire tools. In rheumatic diseases most commonly used instruments are: Rheumatoid Arthritis Specific Work Productivity Survey (WPS-RA), Workplace Activity Limitations Scale (WALS), Work Instability Scale for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA-WIS), Work Limitations Questionnaire (WLQ) and the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI).
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