Organising pneumonia – the first manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis
Data nadesłania: 19-09-2017
Data ostatniej rewizji: 25-10-2017
Data akceptacji: 27-11-2017
Data publikacji online: 30-12-2017
Data publikacji: 31-12-2017
Reumatologia 2017;55(6):314-317
Organising pneumonia (OP) is a distinct type of interstitial lung disease, because it can also be seen in association with several conditions such as infections, drugs, and connective tissue diseases. An association of OP with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has also been described. Joint manifestations of RA usually precede lung involvements by several years; however, in less than 10% of cases of RA, interstitial lung disease may be the initial feature of RA. Organising pneumonia as the initial manifestation or developed simultaneously of RA is extremely rare, and its clinical features remain unknown. We present a 56-year-old woman with OP as the first manifestation of RA.
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