Quality of life in the context of psychology and medicine
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Submission date: 2013-09-30
Final revision date: 2014-03-23
Acceptance date: 2014-06-03
Online publication date: 2014-07-31
Publication date: 2014-06-30
Reumatologia 2014;52(3):200-206
In this article various ways to recognize the concept of quality of life are presented. The author attempted to show what factors may influence quality of life, and how this issue is recognized in the context of medicine and psychology. Attention was also paid to the subjective and objective aspects of quality of life. The author attempted to demonstrate that the patient’s quality of life, especially in the context of rheumatology, cannot be considered one-dimensional, only in the field of medicine or psychology. Evaluation and planning of activities designed to improve and maintain the patient’s quality of life require an eclectic approach, taking into account psychological and medical aspects of the patient’s life. The text is divided into three parts: quality of life in medical science, quality of life and happiness in psychological approaches, and quality of life in rheumatology.
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