Improving efficiency of patients with psoriatic arthritis after elbow synovectomy – practical aspects
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Online publication date: 2012-03-02
Reumatologia 2012;50(1):40-44
Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic, inflammatory disease that destroys the joints. It usually begins with skin changes and is gradually accompanied by degeneration of joints and hypertrophic changes in soft tissues such as ligaments, joint capsules, and entheses. Surgical treatment is often indispensible in the late stage of the disease; it consists of arthroplasty and reconstruction of the surrounding soft tissue. Postoperative rehabilitation is difficult due to increased pain, rapid cicatrisation of operated tissue and worse healing of skin affected by psoriatic plaque. The aim of this study is to show a treatment algorithm and specific techniques of physical therapy applied after surgical synovectomy of the elbow joint in patients with psoriatic arthritis (Fig. 1). The authors underline in particular the necessity of rapid start of rehabilitation which would prevent joint stiffening in the first days after surgery. The techniques of broadening the movement range (Fig. 2), stimulation of weakened muscle groups and the reconstruction of a proper movement pattern for the whole upper extremity are described.
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