Personality and social adjustment in children with chronic rheumatic diseases
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Online publication date: 2012-06-27
Reumatologia 2012;50(3):211-218
Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the differences in the sphere of personality, social adjustment and coping with chronic diseases in children hospitalized in the Institute of Rheumatology in Warsaw.
Material and methods: The examined children come from different social backgrounds, constituting a representative group for the population of chronically ill children in Poland (Table I). The aim of the research was to determine whether the diagnosis and the treatment had a significant impact on coping with pain. Both subjectively assessed level and the importance of support in the peer group and family of the children were evaluated as well (Tables II, V). 149 children aged 12–17 years were examined. They were divided into three groups. The first group comprised the children diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), the second one comprised the children diagnosed with another connective tissue disease, and the third one comprised those with pain which was not reflected in the results of laboratory tests performed. Children were tested with three projective tests, and the obtained data were supplemented by the information drawn from the unstructured interview.
Results: It was found that the differences between the aforementioned three groups were very small, which means that the etiology and duration of symptoms do not determine personality and the way of coping with difficulties and pain. In addition, the research indicates that children with JIA are open to interpersonal relationships. The ability to establish and maintain positive relationships helps them to cope with difficult situations, caused by disease (Tables II, IV). The children from the first group had the highest proportion of emotional disturbances, indicating the state of depression (Table III). This means that JIA is perceived by the young patients as a complex disease. Nevertheless, the children from this group of respondents were able to enjoy every good moment and nurtured the belief that the problems and difficulties due to illness will pass.
Conclusion: All respondents pointed to the huge but unfortunately often underestimated need for support, primarily received from a family and especially from the mother (Table IV).
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