The treatment of Behçet’s disease has improved significantly with the introduction of biologic therapies. However, there is still a need for more information about their use. This study aimed to evaluate the indications, response, and side effects of biologic agents in patients with refractory or severe Behçet’s disease in the south of Iran, their follow-up and reasons for changing the biologics.

Material and methods:
A retrospective analysis was conducted on 44 patients aged 16–65 years who were prescribed biologic agents for at least 6 months. The clinical history, partial and complete remission at 6 and 12 months, occurrence of side effects, and need for switching to a second or third biologic agent were recorded.

The most common indications for starting biologic agents were ophthalmic (68.2%), parenchymal brain involvement (15.9%), and arthritis (11.4%). Improvement was observed in various manifestations of Behçet’s disease, with complete remission in 86, 51.6, 92.8, 66.7, 42.9, 33.3, and 80.0% of oral aphthous lesions, ophthalmic activity, genital aphthous lesions, skin activity, arthritis, brain parenchymal lesions, and vascular activity, respectively, 6 months after starting biologic agents. These rates were unchanged or increased at the 12-month follow-up. In 25.0% of patients, a switch to a second biologic agent was necessary due to severe disease, side effects, or refractory disease. Side effects occurred in 16.3% and 33.3% of patients on the first and second biologic agents, respectively. The majority of side effects were not serious.

We found a promising improvement at 6-month and 12-month follow-ups with various biologic agents in treating Behçet’s disease with an acceptable safety profile.

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