Selected aspects of the epidemiology and microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis
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Submission date: 2013-06-20
Final revision date: 2013-09-03
Acceptance date: 2013-11-18
Online publication date: 2013-12-24
Publication date: 2013-12-20
Reumatologia 2013;51(6):445-451
Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the materials collected from the patients is the most objective evidence of an existing disease process. Microbiological methods are used to determine the optimal therapy and monitoring of the patient’s treatment. Microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis is very specific in its character, and varies from typical microbiological diagnosis. Obtaining a correct result depends on a number of factors including pre-laboratory errors as well as unwitting laboratory errors. This is due to objective problems coming from sensitivity and specificity of the methods, specificity of clinical specimens which are diagnose and efficiency of technical equipment of a particular laboratory. Some of the errors we are able to limit, some are not. Constant changes connected with equipment and new methodology which is modern and more adaptable to actual necessities can be observed. Close cooperation the clinicians and laboratory is essential for high quality management of tuberculosis patients.
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