Ultrasound as a useful tool to integrate the clinical assessment of nail involvement in psoriatic arthritis
Data nadesłania: 03-11-2017
Data ostatniej rewizji: 27-12-2017
Data akceptacji: 29-01-2018
Data publikacji online: 28-02-2018
Data publikacji: 28-02-2018
Reumatologia 2018;56(1):42-44
Developing the skills to adequately assess nail lesions in psoriasis is mandatory for correct interpretation of the pathological features and to provide correct management of psoriatic patients. Although clinical assessment is part of an accurate diagnosis of nail psoriasis, recent advances in the field of imaging are generating growing interest among clinicians exploring its potential role for the assessment of nail psoriasis. We would like to address the attention to ultrasound (US), which is having an impact in different clinical scenarios such as diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment monitoring of nail involvement in psoriatic disease
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